Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-10; John 3:16-17
Songs : Go Tell It on the Mountain, Joy to the World, Away in the Manger
Today is the day! Jesus is born! Today we celebrate Jesus becoming a little baby. You know, Jesus is different from us. He is God’s only Son – in fact, Jesus was alive when the world was created, living in heaven with God the Father. Jesus had been alive from the beginning of time, just as our Advent Jesse tree mentioned on the first day. But on Christmas Day, we celebrate His coming to earth as a baby in the manger!
Do you remember how we talked about sin coming to the earth to spoil God’s perfect creation? God planned for Someone to come to take away that sin. Jesus, God’s Son, was willing to come and be our Savior. That’s why the angels sang so gloriously on that first Christmas Day! Jesus has come to take away the sin of the world!
That sweet little baby lay in a manger – a feeding place for animals – in a stable, because the town was so crowded for the census that there were no rooms for Mary & Joseph at the inn.
Sometimes in our lives, especially during the busy, beautiful Christmas season, there are a lot of people and activities that could make our lives too full to think about Jesus very much. But, if we realize how important Jesus is…believe in Him, ask Him to come lead you through life, He will! Let’s make sure to make room for Jesus in our hearts and lives! He is wonderful!
Welcome Jesus! Happy Birthday! Thank You for being willing to come to earth as a baby to be our Savior. Please help us remember to make room in our hearts and lives this Christmas, and every single day. We love You! Amen.
Merry Christmas!