Each day consists of a short Scripture reading & devotion to discuss, a downloadble ornament for the kids to color and hang - either on your tree or on a garland somewhere - and a few songs to choose from. Many of the songs can be found in hymnals, if you play a musical instrument, but they can also be found on YouTube or Godvine - and it's fun to sing along! Finally, a prayer closes out this 5 minute time. This is a great start towards helping your children grasp the basic outline of the Greatest Book of all.
Ornament: A Scroll – (To remind us of when Josiah found the law!)
Scripture Reading: II Kings 23:1-3; Psalm 119:105
Songs: The B-I-B-L-E & Joy to the World
Well, that was just what happened to a descendant of King David’s – King Josiah. Now, Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. That's why he is sometimes called "The Boy King." His father and his grandfather had been very wicked kings, and the people of Israel had stopped following God. In fact, Israel had completely forgotten God. They didn’t love God; they didn’t worship Him. They had started worshipping idols instead.
King Josiah wanted to serve and worship God. He decided to send some men over to the temple to clean it up, so the people of Israel could worship God there again. While the men were cleaning up – guess what they found? An old scroll – part of the Bible!
Their Bible had been lost a long time. When King Josiah opened the scroll, he realized that they should not have been worshipping idols all this time! He stood in front of everyone, and read the Word of God to them. The people were very sorry for their sins and turned back to worship God once again!
King Josiah brought God’s people back to Him…but he still couldn’t save them from sin. One of his descendants would come someday to do that – Jesus!
- What important thing was found when King Josiah had the temple cleaned? (an old scroll which was part of the Bible)
- Why does God want us to read His Word? (To know Him better)
Prayer: Dear Father God, thank You for Your Word that helps us to know you better. Help us understand and obey You through Your word. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Looking forward to Christmas,