Each day consists of a short Scripture reading & devotion to discuss, a downloadble ornament for the kids to color and hang - either on your tree or on a garland somewhere - and a few songs to choose from. Many of the songs can be found in hymnals, if you play a musical instrument, but they can also be found on YouTube or Godvine - and it's fun to sing along! Finally, a prayer closes out this 5 minute time. This is a great start towards helping your children grasp the basic outline of the Greatest Book of all.
Ornament: A stump with a green shoot and leaf
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:1-5, John 1:14a
Songs: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel; Mary, Did You Know?
Well, Jesse had seven sons, the youngest was David, who grew up to be the king of Israel. God had a great plan for David…and for David’s family!
This man, Jesse, is where we get the name for our advent tree – the “Jesse tree.” You see, the stump of this ornament represents Jesse, and the green new leaf (can you guess?) … the green leaf reminds us of Jesus. Jesus is the new life that came from the old royal line of Israel.
The old royal line of Israel was actually really evil. Josiah was the last good king. That family of kings was like a tree that God cut down. Israel was conquered by another country. They were taken captive – taken away.
People waited a long time for the birth of a savior. We celebrate advent because we are waiting too! We are waiting for Christmas – the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus!
It’s hard for us to wait for Christmas for a few more days. Can you imagine waiting for a savior for years and years - or lifetimes!? The people of Israel waited an awfully long time for the Messiah, the Christ – for Jesus!
- Who is the stump (Jesse)
- Who is the green leaf? (Jesus)
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus. Thank You for always having a plan! We are so grateful for Jesus. Please help us live lives that are pleasing to You. Amen.
Looking forward to Christmas,