As an adult, I have come to embrace a season of Lent, much as I embrace a season of Advent. Not because my particular church body prescribes or practices it, but because I find it helpful as a call to remembrance. After all, it's not about ashen crosses, really. It's not even about "giving something up" or my little sacrifice. No - it's about Jesus. It's about looking forward, focusing, leaning in. Lent is about preparation. Lent is about what's real - not just for today, but for forever. Lean in and look hard.
Ashen crosses point the way to the end of this journey of Lent, which is the foot of the Good Friday cross. It's an outward sign of an inward repentance. It's a symbol that cries out our understanding that it was our sin - the sin of mankind - that led Jesus to the cross. Lean in. Consider. Reflect.
There is nothing more sobering that realizing the cost - and the commensurate value - of our walk with the Lord. Without the sacrifice of the cross, there would have been no Easter morning resurrection. Without the cross, there would be no offer of eternal life. Without the cross, our sins would still stand between us and our Holy God.
Lean in with me this Lent, won't you?
Lean in to His love. Lean in to His grace. Lean in to His forgiveness.
When we are willing to expose our hearts to the penetrating light of the presence of God, we will find the joy and peace of relationship with Him. He is faithful. He is merciful. He is waiting.
During Lent, much like our Advent practice, we like to focus our Scripture reading on the upcoming season. We also have found it helpful to read through books or a devotional together to help stimulate thoughts and conversation about why and what we celebrate. Whether we make time for the additional reading first thing in the morning or during evening devotions, we read through Scripture, through books about Easter and Good Friday, and yes, books specifically for Lent. I have linked a few of our favorites below, for families and children of various ages, although it was hard - there are some truly wonderful books available!
First, for the youngest among us! (And by the way, if every family in your homeschool group or at your church buys just one book, you can swap and share for maximum benefit with minimum out-of-pocket!)
Psalm 32:1-7
How joyful is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!
How joyful is the man the LORD does not charge with sin and in whose spirit is no deceit!
When I kept silent, my bones became brittle from my groaning all day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy on me; my strength was drained as in the summer’s heat.
Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not conceal my iniquity.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” and You took away the guilt of my sin.
Therefore let everyone who is faithful pray to You at a time that You may be found.
When great floodwaters come, they will not reach him.
You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble,
You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance
Leaning in,