The good news is that there are so many great choices! I recommended these two books by Louie Giglio, and I thought I'd take just a moment to share them with you all, too. They are two of my favorites. I love the fact that the illustrations are fabulous, that the devotions are appealing to a wide age range, but most of all? I LOVE that they are science-based. Each and every one of the devotions springboards from Scripture, and then reveals God in the details of creation. There is also a daily "Be Amazed" section with cool scientific facts that tie in with the devotional thought. I would say that this book is TARGETED for ages 4-10, but I know from many families who have used it that it easily appeals to 11 & 12 years olds as well. In fact, several moms have told me they have to HIDE these books, or the kids will just take them off the shelf and read them straight through!
Now back to our regularly scheduled blog posts about convention highlights in 3...2....1....