THAT is why I had to write this review. I noticed there was one booth at a recent homeschool convention I attended that was always busy. There was laughter. There was obvious excitement. Parents and kids stood and played this game...sometimes the kids stayed there for hours! This game - VOE*CAB*EWE*LAIR*E - is amazing! The most unique aspect, in my opinion, is the way each card leads to discussion about the way the word is used, increasing comprehension along the way.
John Harding, the inventor of VOE*CAB*EWE*LAIR*E, told me he himself loves games, and was inspired to create an engaging way for kids to learn new words. For me, as I listened and watched people actually playing the game, the most impressive part of the game is the broad appeal and broad educational application. Beyond vocabulary, students build comprehension and spelling skills (for bonus points!). The game even includes elements of math (you can take a "short term loan" of letters), and there are many other life lessons included that make the game more exciting and make every play of the game a new adventure.
Not All Rigor is Mortis!