Each day consists of a short Scripture reading & devotion to discuss, a downloadble ornament for the kids to color and hang - either on your tree or on a garland somewhere - and a few songs to choose from. Many of the songs can be found in hymnals, if you play a musical instrument, but they can also be found on YouTube or Godvine - and it's fun to sing along! Finally, a prayer closes out this 5 minute time. This is a great start towards helping your children grasp the basic outline of the Greatest Book of all.
Ornament: A Brick Wall –(To remind us of the return to Israel)
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 1:3, 2:18, 6:15-16, Malachi 3:1; Revelation 22:20
Songs: Good Christian Men Rejoice!
We have talked about the people of Israel, and how they had not obeyed God’s law. Remember, we said they had been taken captive – as prisoners or slaves – into foreign countries. The Wall of Jerusalem had been knocked down by the armies of the other countries, and Jerusalem was lonely and desolate. Like a ghost town, it was falling apart. Nobody was there to take care of the city, and it started to fall apart.
A man named Nehemiah, who was working in the Persian court for King Artexerxes, was horrified when he found out how the city was crumbling. There wasn't even a wall to protect it!
What a miracle it was that Nehemiah was able to get permission from the king to come back to Jerusalem and rebuild the city wall! The prophets in the Bible had said that in order for the savior to come, the people would have to return to Jerusalem – and sure enough, they did! In fact, more than 400 years before Jesus was born, the people returned to Jerusalem, just like God had foretold in His Word! When the wall was finished, the people waited for the Messiah. They waited for many years – but we just have a few more days before our Christmas celebration!
- What does this ornament represent?
- What had happened to the wall? Who built it back?
Prayer: Father God, the people fixed the wall because they wanted to be prepared for the savior to come. Please help us prepare our hearts and homes to celebrate Jesus this Christmas as well. Come, Lord Jesus, come! Amen.
Looking forward to Christmas,