Each day consists of a short Scripture reading & devotion to discuss, a downloadble ornament for the kids to color and hang - either on your tree or on a garland somewhere - and a few songs to choose from. Many of the songs can be found in hymnals, if you play a musical instrument, but they can also be found on YouTube or Godvine - and it's fun to sing along! Finally, a prayer closes out this 5 minute time. This is a great start towards helping your children grasp the basic outline of the Greatest Book of all.
Ornament: A Fiery Furnace (Reminder of the presence of God with us!)
Scripture Reading: Daniel 3: 19-29 & Jeremiah 1:8
Songs: Lord Jesus I Love Thee, O Come All Ye Faithful
There were some very brave young men who were taken away into Babylon. Daniel was one of them. There were also three men named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were so brave that when an evil king told them to do something wrong, they wouldn’t.
Now, we all know that we must say no if someone tries to get us to do something wrong. Imagine, though, if it were the king of the whole country that had just made you a prisoner? How difficult to say, “No” then!
That wicked king had made a large statue – an idol – and he told all the people that they had to worship it- bow down to it- or be thrown in a fiery furnace. When the trumpets blew, everyone bowed down…everyone except Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Guess what happened? That king had them thrown right into the furnace.
Do you think God was with them even though they were prisoners? Do you think He was with them, even though they were in a foreign country? Yes, He was! That fire did no harm to them at all. The king even began to praise God! God’s plan was still working!
- What did the king tell the men to do?
- What happened because they obeyed God instead of the king?
Prayer: Lord, we are sometimes tempted to do things we know aren’t right. Please make us strong and brave like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! Help us say YES to You, and No to sin! Amen.
Looking forward to Christmas,