Each day consists of a short Scripture reading & devotion to discuss, a downloadble ornament for the kids to color and hang - either on your tree or on a garland somewhere - and a few songs to choose from. Many of the songs can be found in hymnals, if you play a musical instrument, but they can also be found on YouTube or Godvine - and it's fun to sing along! Finally, a prayer closes out this 5 minute time. This is a great start towards helping your children grasp the basic outline of the Greatest Book of all.
Ornament: A Cross –(To remind us Jesus came as a baby, in order to die for our sin when He became a man.)
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:8-18; John 19:11-18
Songs: The Old Rugged Cross, Mary Did You Know?

God in heaven is Holy – that means pure, spotless, without sin. In fact, because God is holy, He cannot even be a part of sin. But, God wanted US to live with Him for eternity. So He sent Jesus to make a way for us to be cleansed from sin, to be clean and pure, too.
Jesus never sinned. He always did exactly what God wanted –He is the ONLY person that ever was sinless. Yet, Jesus took all the punishment for the sins of every person in the world. That is why Jesus was crucified on the cross – to pay the punishment for all of those peoples’ many sins. Not one sin was His own.
Why do you think Jesus did that? Why would He be willing to suffer all the pain of dying on that cross? It certainly hurt Him. Why was Jesus willing to come down from heaven as a baby, grow up, and die on that cross? It is only because He loved us so much. He loved us enough to die on the cross – so that we could have life with Him forever!
- What did Jesus NEVER do, that everyone else does? (sin)
- Why was Jesus willing to do all this for us?
Prayer: Almighty Father, thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your son to be our best gift imaginable – our Savior, Jesus. What a truly awesome, amazing gift! Please help us show our love for You by the way we live. In Christ’s name, amen.
Looking forward to Christmas,